Thursday, June 26, 2014

Merry marry

Today* marks the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling to strike down Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). What a wonderful moment in an American history evolving to expand freedom, equality and to the deepen the American dream: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I give thanks to the brave people who risked their lives and overcame their fears to pursue this basic human right and to the United States government for standing up for them. Not only in support of the plaintiffs, but for all those who desire to live their life able to express their love relationship with all the rights and responsibilities afforded to any legally married heterosexual couple.

I know this subject inflames many of the people in my community and family, both in agreement with my stance and heartily against. A person can only decide for themselves how they feel about such an important, even sacred matter. I am not interested in persuasion, only celebration.
Brad and I nestled in bed tonight and watched an HBO documentary about the case. We will be married this fall, happy with the right to choose to spend our life as a team, as a family by choice, and hopefully some day as partners in co-creation. Already, we love, play, laugh, live, eat meals and share holidays. In September we will join under the hallowed heavens in a mountain meadow, in front of our friends and families, say "I do" and then figure out the rest of our nows together.

I cannot imagine if someone told me I could not make this choice as a consenting adult. Once upon a time, I'd never have chose to get married, partly because it never seemed relevant before, and because
I always knew I'd never marry if gays, lesbians and bisexual folk couldn't do so as well. The latter reason is no longer valid and the person who asked me to marry him was the one to whom I wanted to say yes. And so I will, and be grateful for the opportunity, and for those who have helped it become a right for all.

*or it would have been but I posted 37 minutes late

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